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4 great masters of haiku poetry(their poems and books).

Haiku in my opinion is the most peaceful and fun to read form of poetry.
they connect with the reader very quickly and the haiku impact in readers mind is very impactful.
Haiku is originated from Japan.
In haiku there are 4 masters of haiku. whose contribution in haiku are very those four Matsuo basho is known as greatest haiku poet ever live .
There is a list below of 4 great masters of haiku and their work.9
1)Matsuo basho(1644-1694)
Basho is the greatest and most famous haiku poet of all time without any dought.his poems are the foundation of haiku 
Also known as father of haiku and greatest among masters of haiku.
His poems
old silent pond is mainly known as greatest haiku ever written.
Book of collection of basho greatest work are below buy from here 
Matsuo basho two most famous book is

 Next master is
 2)yosa buson(1716-1784)
One of the 4 great haiku master of haiku 
His poems are so calming that you wish to go that place where he written his masterpiece his works are below
His famous book is 
Buy from here 

3)Kobayashi issa(1763-1828)
Third of 4 great master of haiku.his poetry style are little different from other masters.he is famous as penname issa.he wrote about life his most famous work is (o snail)
His collection of book is.
Buy from here

4)Masaoka shiki(1867-1902)
Last of great haiku master and my favourite in all of them he represent nature so beautifully you fall in his poetry trap.
buy book from here.
Buy now


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